An Automatic System for Classification of Nuclear Sclerosis from Slit-Lamp Photographs
S. Fan, C. R. Dyer, L. Hubbard, and B. Klein,
Proc. 6th Int. Conf. on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2003), (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 2878), R. Ellis and T. Peters, eds., Springer, Berlin, 2003, 592-601.
A robust and automatic system has been developed to detect the visual axis and extract important feature landmarks from slit-lamp photographs, and objectively grade the severity of nuclear sclerosis based on the intensities of those land-marks. Using linear regression, we first select the features that play important roles in classification, and then fit a linear grading function. We evaluated the grading function using human grades as error bounds for "ground truth" grades, and compared the machine grades with the human grades. As expected, the automatic sys-tem significantly speeds up the process of grading, and grades computed are consistent and reproducible. Machine grading time for one image is less than 2 seconds on a Pentium III 996MHz machine while human grading takes about 2 minutes. Statis-tical results show that the predicted grades by the system are very reliable. For the testing set of 141 images, with correct grading defined by a tolerance of one grade level difference from the human grade, the automated system has a grading accuracy of 95.8% based on the AREDS grading scale.