Easy as ABC? Facilitating Pictorial Communication via Semantically Enhanced Layout
A. B. Goldberg, X. Zhu, C. R. Dyer, M. Eldawy and L. Heng,
Proc. 12th Conf. Computational Natural Language Learning, 2008.
Pictorial communication systems convert natural language text into pictures to assist people with limited literacy. We define a novel and challenging problem: picture layout optimization. Given an input sentence, we seek the optimal way to lay out word icons such that the resulting picture best conveys the meaning of the input sentence. To this end, we propose a family of intuitive "ABC" layouts, which organize icons in three groups. We formalize layout optimization as a sequence labeling problem, employing conditional random fields as our machine learning method. Enabled by novel applications of semantic role labeling and syntactic parsing, our trained model makes layout predictions that agree well with human annotators. In addition, we conduct a user study to compare our ABC layout versus the standard linear layout. The study shows that our semantically enhanced layout is preferred by non-native speakers, suggesting it has the potential to be useful for people with other forms of limited literacy, too.