Here is a description of the von-thunen files that are now available for downloading by anonymous ftp from the ftp site: vonthmcp.gms: the GAMSLIB version of the von thunen problem. pgvon106.gms: the 106 von thunen example as coded by Xiao and modified by Pang. pgvon105.gms: pgvon106 with w fixed at 1 (numeraire fixed). Each of the latter two problems has three starting points: a) the standard one used for calibration in most general equilibrium models, that is all values set to 1. b) starting point generated by Xiao. c) starting point generated by Xiao but modified to have nonzero entries throughout. PEPS: set to 1.E-7; this is a lower bound on the prices of the problem. Can be set to zero to get lower bounds of 0, but note that the demands are not well defined in this case. Computational results for PEPS = 1.E-7: *************************************** PATH(2.6) SMOOTH starting pt a) b) c) a) b) c) PGVON105: 10/10 10/10 10/10 0/10 0/10 0/10 PGVON106: 8/10 6/10 5/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 Notes: 1. PATH(2.6) uses clock control for refactorization, so on poorly conditioned problems it can sometimes fail, thus we ran each problem 10 times and report the times where a solution was found. SMOOTH is deterministic, so always finds a solution or always fails. 2. Thanks to Jong-Shi Pang for providing the original definition of the problems. 3. If you wish to hook up your solver to run as a GAMS/AMPL subsystem please contact .