track AQR+ compositeTrack on shortLabel AQR plus longLabel shRNA and eCLIP (target: AQR) plus strand maxHeightPixels 100:48:8 visibility full autoScale on type bigWig allButtonPair on track CLIP1+ bigDataUrl ENCFF573NET.bigWig shortLabel CLIP1+ longLabel CLIP rep1 + autoScale on color 252,141,98 visibility dense graphTypeDefault bar parent AQR+ on type bigWig track CLIP2+ bigDataUrl ENCFF544NMT.bigWig shortLabel CLIP2+ longLabel CLIP rep2 + autoScale on color 252,141,98 visibility dense graphTypeDefault bar parent AQR+ on type bigWig track WT1+ bigDataUrl ENCFF186ERV.bigWig shortLabel WT1+ longLabel WT rep1 + autoScale on color 141,160,203 visibility full graphTypeDefault bar parent AQR+ on type bigWig track WT2+ bigDataUrl ENCFF232TUU.bigWig shortLabel WT2+ longLabel WT rep2 + autoScale on color 141,160,203 visibility full graphTypeDefault bar parent AQR+ on type bigWig track KD1+ bigDataUrl ENCFF434WXS.bigWig shortLabel KD1+ longLabel KD rep1 + autoScale on color 102,194,165 visibility full graphTypeDefault bar parent AQR+ on type bigWig track KD2+ bigDataUrl ENCFF483VKB.bigWig shortLabel KD2+ longLabel KD rep2 + autoScale on color 102,194,165 visibility full graphTypeDefault bar parent AQR+ on type bigWig track AQR- compositeTrack on shortLabel AQR minus longLabel shRNA and eCLIP (target: AQR) minus strand maxHeightPixels 100:48:8 visibility full autoScale on type bigWig allButtonPair on track CLIP1- bigDataUrl ENCFF535SIF.bigWig shortLabel CLIP1- longLabel CLIP rep1 - autoScale on color 252,141,98 visibility dense graphTypeDefault bar parent AQR- on type bigWig track CLIP2- bigDataUrl ENCFF363DGM.bigWig shortLabel CLIP2- longLabel CLIP rep2 - autoScale on color 252,141,98 visibility dense graphTypeDefault bar parent AQR- on type bigWig track WT1- bigDataUrl ENCFF979MAT.bigWig shortLabel WT1- longLabel WT rep1 - autoScale on color 141,160,203 visibility full graphTypeDefault bar parent AQR- on type bigWig track WT2- bigDataUrl ENCFF602QRO.bigWig shortLabel WT2- longLabel WT rep2 - autoScale on color 141,160,203 visibility full graphTypeDefault bar parent AQR- on type bigWig track KD1- bigDataUrl ENCFF068FRV.bigWig shortLabel KD1- longLabel KD rep1 - autoScale on color 102,194,165 visibility full graphTypeDefault bar parent AQR- on type bigWig track KD2- bigDataUrl ENCFF977DGT.bigWig shortLabel KD2- longLabel KD rep2 - autoScale on color 102,194,165 visibility full graphTypeDefault bar parent AQR- on type bigWig track peaks compositeTrack on shortLabel AQR peaks longLabel AQR raw eCLIP peaks maxHeightPixels 100:48:8 visibility full autoScale on type bigBed allButtonPair on track peak1 bigDataUrl ENCFF206SFN.bigBed shortLabel peak1 longLabel CLIP peaks 1 autoScale on color 252,141,98 visibility full graphTypeDefault bar parent peaks on type bigBed track peak2 bigDataUrl ENCFF499TGS.bigBed shortLabel peak2 longLabel CLIP peaks 2 autoScale on color 252,141,98 visibility full graphTypeDefault bar parent peaks on type bigBed